ReferNet is the European network of expertise on vocational education and training (VET) set up in 2002 by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). Its mission is to collect, analyse and provide information on VET, notably the development of VET systems and national policies in the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom; raise the visibility of VET as well as Cedefop’s activities and reports.
The 30 network members are called as ReferNet national partners, and each one represents a key VET institution in their country. Therefore they are particularly well placed to share relevant and updated information on VET in their countries and on its various features, such as mission, governance, VET programmes provision, the shape of VET qualifications, stakeholders, quality control mechanisms.
- What might interest you in ReferNet?
To get information on the different fields related to VET in Portugal or Europe.
If you are a policymaker, VET researcher or professional, students or self-taught, you will have here the possibility to find a wide range of documents, with different levels of detail, that will provide you appropriate information to your needs.
You have online access to full-text documents:
- reports describing the VET systems
- reports on VET policies
- summary publication on VET in the country holding the Presidency of the EU Council
- thematic articles
- national and European news on VET
- national and European contacts of ReferNet partners
In Portugal, ReferNet is coordinated by the General Directorate for Employment and Industrial Relations (DGERT) since 2006.
ReferNet activities are co-financed by Cedefop and the Member States on an annual basis under a framework partnership agreement. Activities are of common benefit to participating countries and Cedefop.